Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Future Teachers' Opinions

Fears and Expectations of Future Teachers 
by Ayleen Gallardo 

     This video was made with the intention of knowing some of the possible fears and expectations that the English pedagogy students feel in regard to their profession. I believe it is really important to critically reflect upon these topics in order to create a teaching philosophy that will represent us as teachers of any given subject. At the same time, I think that one of the most important aspects talked throughout this video is that all of these students acknoledge the relevance of motivation, classroom managament, assesment, and putting into practice the things that they have learnt during their formation as future teachers. There are no doubts that being a teacher is not an easy task but I believe that my classmates and future colleagues will do an excelent job because they know that making mistakes and being afraid will always be an opportunity to grow and be better.

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