Didactic Resources

In this section, you will find material made in the ICTs course.

1. Powtoon
     Powtoon is a really fun website where you can create your own videos. It gives you the chance to choose characters, songs, and upload audios made by yourself. It is a really entertaining way to engage students in the English class.
     Here is a video made by my classmate and I, where our aim was to teach students useful phrases to introduce themselves to the class.

2. H5P
     H5P is a website that allows you to create your own materials. In there, you can find many alternatives that can help you to elaborate multiple tasks that are fun and different. You can choose to create flashcards with and audio file as well as making your own interactive video for your students.
Here are two activities that are made following the Chile's educational curriculum. Both activites are for 6th graders of a local public school.


3. Youtube: Valparaíso Travel Guide 
     This is an example to give students ideas for their city tour project.

4. Kahoot
     Kahoot is a website in which teachers, students, and parents can create their own games. There are different game modalities that students can play. In this case, the multiple choice mode is the most popular one. 

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