Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Pixton: Creating your own comic book

Hello everyone!

Resultado de imagen para pixton logo     One of the things I really like are comic books and mangas. Thus, Pixton really caught my attention. The description is quite simple, Pixton allows you to create your own comic books since the characters, the background scenes, and the speech bubbles. You can sign up to the website using your Google account or creating a Pixton account as well. 
     If you go to the link, you will see that Pixton was created by a marriage couple. Their names are Clive Goodinson, and Daina Goodinson. Both of them combined their abilities in order to deliver this amazing website to all of us. 

These are the founders' descriptions shown on the website. 

Once you enter the website, you need to choose among these options.

After you sing up, you need to choose among these options.

     Later you need to complete some details about your own class, activity, people, and create your own avatar. Once this process is finished, you are ready to go. 


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     Comics are really attractive to the humans' eyes, since they have a vast amount of drawings. Therefore, they catch the attention and interests of learners (Yang cited in Yunus, Salehi & Embi, 2012). Comics can provide to the classroom the necessary motivation for the reluctant readers, while the experienced one gains confidence and inspiration. (Yunus et all., 2012). At the same time, students can also develop writing skills by making their own stories, and then creating the illustrations. This is an important factor, since some students really enjoy reading comic books or graphic novels, but they struggle when they are asked to write something. Moreover, they need to use images in order to organize their ideas properly (Yunus et all, 2012) In this regard, websites such as Pixton can really motivate students to learn English while developing their reading and writing skills. Furthermore, is a creative way to connect the English subject with the Arts. For instance, they can work in the English class in their speech bubbles, and in their Art subject they can create illustrations that can be later transform into digital format. At the same time, you can ask students to do a presentation or even a play of their stories, which allows you to foster the English language in several and entertaining ways.  


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     The only limitation I can think about, as always, is the Internet connection and the lack of necessary supplies to do the task. However, the good thing about this website is that even when you do not have the resources to apply it, you can do it either way. You can ask students to bring materials in order to create their own comic books. They can watch tutorials on how to do notebooks on their own and then present their stories as actual comic books. It is always important to have in mind a Plan B, that can allow students to have fun when technology fails. 

     I hope this brief review was helpful to all of you. As for me, I would love to use this website with my future students. 

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     Yunus, M., Salehi, H., & Embi, M. (2012). Effects of Using Digital Comics to Improve ESL Writing. Isfahan.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Google Classroom

Hello everyone!

      Today I will write about an application that has been very useful to me. I was introduce to Google Classroom when I was in my third year of the English Program, and I found it very helpful and better than the application offered by the University. As always, let's start by a brief description of this tool. 


     Google Classroom is a platform that works as an online class, is completely free, and it can be used by anyone. First of all, you need to have a Gmail account in order to sign up to different classes. Once this process is finished, you are good to go and check the materials uploaded by your teachers. These materials can be videos, articles, and even assignments which have specific deadlines. Moreover, you can download this application in your cell-phone which is very useful if you have a bad memory. Every time you need to submit your work, your cell-phone will show you a message reminding you about the homework. As a teacher, this application is quite useful in organizing your students' assignments and providing them material that they can check before coming to classes. Thus, you can definitely implement a flipped classroom methodology.

     Here below, I will leave pictures that will explain even better the usage of this tool. 

Sign up using your Gmail account. 

As a student you can join to different classes.

You can check material uploaded by your teachers. 


Resultado de imagen para anime computer gif     As I said before, Google Classroom allows your students to check the materials before coming to classes. Of that way, you can implement the flipped classroom methodology. According to Laurie Harrison (2013) the flipped classroom can be defined as "delivering instruction to students at home through self-study materials". The idea then, is to create a class that is focused on students' questions about the materials and some difficulties that they might have had while doing the activities or checking some new content. This is a very good way of helping students to develop autonomous work, responsibility, and being well-organized with their time. Surely, a commitment needs to be done in order to get the most from this ICT. In terms of the English language, you can try to upload materials that can help students to familiarize with the L2. For example, TED talks that are related to their personal interests. Furthermore, different abilities (listening, writing, speaking, reading) can be developed since you are free to upload any kind of material. Finally, Google Classroom can be used with students from all ages. The only thing that will be different is the material updated depending on the students' ages, and personal preferences. 


Resultado de imagen para anime computer gif     As always, Internet is one of the limitations, If students do not have a connection to it from their home or cell-phones, he/she will not be able to see the content. The second limitation has to do with the way students are used to work. When I was introduced to Google Classroom, I found it wonderful since the application that the University had was awful. However, it was really difficult to accustom to it. Most of the time, I forgot to read things and then in classes I was pretty much lost. You might think autonomous work is easy to do but it takes some time to develop. For that reason, I believe that you need to teach the importance of it to your students in order to create a true commitment. 

     I really hope this short explanation was useful to all of you. I truly believe that Google Classroom is an awesome way to teach not just English, but important values that we all should have.

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      Harrison, L. (2013). The Flipped Classroom in ELT | ELTjamELTjam. Retrieved 2 July 2017, from